Friday, May 28, 2010

Things that have happened over the past few weeks

1. I watched a foal get shot in the head after breaking his leg.
2. I went to the Sydney Writers' Festival, found a little inspiration to write, then came home to utter bedlam and have barely even read anything, let alone started writing.
3. I've been missing Angie who is over in Perth for four months.
4. I've been incredibly tempted to tweet horrible things about guests and staff on our official resort twitter site and somehow, thankfully, resisted.
5. I rode my bike approximately 60km in one day and found out the hard way I'm not as fit as I thought I was.
6. I just remembered now I need to put the chickens to bed. Not a huge thing that's happened, but very current.
7. I finally received a book of short stories that I was published in. When I say book, it's more like a zine. But the publishers call it a book, so who am I to argue?

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