Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day thirty two - Friday November 19

Departed:Azofra 7:45am
Arrived: Belorado 3:45pm
Total hours: 8
Total kms: 38.2
Accumulated kms: 979.8
Weather: Overcast

Yesterday the landscape felt Texan to me, today it was positively apocalyptic. It was similar in some ways to France, with the large broken fields and muddy tracks, but these fields were filled with grey and blackened remnants of plant life, and spread out as far as the eye could see. It almost looked like desert, or like someone had dropped a large and efficient bomb on the country. Most of the path ran beside a busy highway as well, so it made for a dull and ugly time. I chose to listen to music for the first half of the day, and walk and chat with Filipe for the second after I caught him up at lunch.

There are a bunch of new people in the albergue tonight, including two guys from Santiago de Compostela who started in Norway and have been filming their walk. I think they've done around 5000km so far. They're also caning it, they went over the mountains the same day I did, and took a day and a half off in Pamplona, and I've now caught them up. Amazing.

We have no idea where we're going tomorrow, it seems that quite a few places are closed and there's a big space of around 15km or so with no towns at all, so we may have to settle for a short walk. That will throw out plans for the next few days out a bit too as there are similar long patches with no towns, but that's the nature of the Camino - never expect anything to work out as you plan!

Peak hour in the country.

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