Monday, March 15, 2010

Polyphasic sleep schedule Day Seven

I can hardly believe I've made it one whole week! I'm also surprised at what a struggle tonight has been, but on contemplation I guess I did just have a very hectic weekend, and chances are that I would have been dropping off to sleep on occasion even if I were sleeping a solid period during the night. Also, in the past twenty minutes, I just noticed a definite nose cold coming on, so that may have something to do with my persistent drowsiness tonight. I'm combating the best I can with Melvins turned up loud, and I might eschew the yoga tonight in favour of some cleaning around the place.

What have I learned during the week?
  1. There is no underestimating the body's ability to sabotage itself when it feels threatened.
  2. Refined sugar is never the answer to anything, except maybe how to get out of life earlier.
  3. The concept of time is one of the most unreliable ideas our species has ever come up with.
  4. I can actually have incredibly realistic and vivid dreams, and I only had to stop sleeping to notice them.
  5. People can be amazingly supportive of ludicrous propositions, even if in theory they're still considering having you committed.
  6. Having more time doesn't necessarily mean you'll accomplish more things.
  7. The eyelids are home to the strongest muscles in the human body. They just don't like word to get out.

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