Saturday, March 20, 2010

Polyphasic sleep schedule Day Twelve

I spent most of yesterday in the office, trying my best to refrain from looking like those guys in the movie The Hangover. My jaw kept slipping down and I kept tilting in my chair like a wobble head doll. It wasn't until my 6pm nap that everything started feeling okay. Strangely enough, that nap was also the first of the day that I remember dreaming in, and it only lasted ten minutes before I awoke feeling pretty good.

I decided to combat last night's troubles by setting my alarm in one hour increments when up in the library. I figure that when I'm down in the office there's a lot less chance I'm going to black out (although who knows anymore). Up in the library it's darker, warmer, much more comfortable.

Well, that's about it for tonight, with any luck today will be an easy ride, especially with another two groups checking in. I don't think anyone's going to want to see zombies in the office.

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